AAWWEEEE (sarcasm): The world feels sorry for itself

If I can make it through 27 years of immune deficiency isolation: you can make it through Corona crisis inconvenience.
Most of them all have/had the very urge to visit places they most certainly couldn’t live without. Like garden centers, hardware / home improvement stores, restaurants, touristic places, amusement parks, countries or even the places where they find the most disgusting mold and rats on earth they miss.
They are the very people who used to NEGLECT chronic ill people who, for years and many years, were forced to be isolated because of severe health issues.
My life for the past 27 years looked like this:
- Staying at home with a terrible condition of immune system deficiency
- For 27 years
- Chronically
- Being afraid every second when being outside because it was a totally normal routine for me to get infected by the smallest viruses. Afterwards always resulting in 3 weeks bed rest feeling terrible.
- In 1998 a retired doctor told me I had a worse immune system than a new born baby
- Some viruses almost cost me my life.
- 4 times
- That was scary
- When being outside always being on guard if someone sneezed or coughed
- They often did sneeze and cough WITHOUT covering there face
- Having family from whom nobody seemed to care when asked to take into account telling me when they got a cold, so I could stay away from them (while I think it should be the other way around!)
- When telling to not kiss me on the cheek I would get a disrespectful look
- Incomprehension of other people all the time
- Always being scared of people (sometimes not even knowing) who traveled to countries taking with them other viruses than my body could cope with
- Although some people got vaccinated they do carry viruses to pass on to you
- Feeling more of a virus expert than official virus doctors/experts
- Being laughed at on my worst moments by specialists who told me I was perfectly healthy on the moment I was more dead than alive
- Having no more confidence in experts, doctors, people, family
- Living in fear 24/7 year in year out
- Despite that continuing on every day
- Occasionaly doing fun things
- Not complaining, don’t considering myself sick
- Never being bored one day
My Conclusion of being in Corona times and how I see people:
- Not much has changed for me except that finally after 27 years my immune system is slowly to start working again
- That’s a good thing
- My fear of irresponsible people stayed the same
- I saw people feeling sorry for themselves for being isolated
- Mostly the same ones that normally IGNORE chronic ill people
- I saw people being terrified of sneezing and coughing people and to get infected
- The same ones who didn’t gave a shit when they sneezed and coughed my way
- Even when I asked them to cover themselves or to mind that I was going to be ill of that
- I also saw people who didn’t give a shit about it all (I already experienced that for many years)
- Seeing people who think a virus isn’t there because you don’t see it, and they are perfectly fine so what’s the point
- Seeing people who don’t understand what “health” exactly means
- Noticing that people think you get sick out of the blue
- People who never consider they get to do with that themselves because of ignoring or not understanding health dangers
- Seeiing people listening to experts who think they are experts because they have some kind of degree and a high education
- The same ones who think in tunnel vision
- The same ones who don’t understand every body is different, so every body acts different and every body lives under different circumstances
- The same ones that got their education rules laid out by insurance and pharmaceutical companies
- The same experts that forgot (whether or not on purpose) their logic way of thinking about health
- Watching how people get mislead by traditional media and watching them believing everything ‘the system’ tells them
- Nobody ever wanted to hear; I could get severe consequences because of invisible viruses
- Now the whole world got to do with a dangerous virus and all of a sudden it is important to watch out and protect them and themselves. Now it concerns THEM. It wasn’t so important when it was just ME to protect
- Suddenly all kind of protections are created in the form of ingenious virus-proof harnesses, because you know… all of a sudden health can not be exposed to invisible nasty stuff now it concerns them
- While everybody laughed when I used to put my scarf over my nose and mouth after a silver jubilee of immune deficiency
- The surprise for me is even bigger when they forget about a whole pandemic and protection rules as quick as it came
- Seeing people who don’t know viruses are always there, everywhere and that we should watch out for them ALL THE TIME
- Even if we bring them from foreign countries, because this is how they travel
- Airplanes should be to blame
- Noticing that people don’t even learn that your immune system is one of the most precious things we got in the human body
- Realizing that most people don’t know the essence of the word ‘healthy’; not realizing that it is you that can prevent yourself from getting sick (most of the times)
- Being mad at people yelling about ‘virus bullshit’ while it is totally normal to prevent things from happening because of an UNKNOWN virus with UNKNOWN behavior and maybe terrible outcomes for people young and old, already sick or healthy
- Finding it pothetic noticing people telling themselves and the world that the virus wasn’t really a big deal regarding certain statistics apparently not understanding that if the whole world wouldn’t have done a total lock down; that statistics would have been dramatically worse
- Seeing people become lax when the virus presence seems to reduce
- Not thinking that at that moment you should still be disciplined to let it fade out
- Watching people going on vacations despite being the virus still present and despite flare-ups and new outbreaks
- Hearing that again we as risk groups have to protect (read: lock up) ourselves again because a whole egoistic f-ing legion decides they really can’t live 1 year of skipping a f-ing vacation.
- That governments take disadventage from this pandemic situation rudely, has to do with initially being obligated to protect and prevent from further outbreaks
- The virus was there, stories are real
- All in all I saw people being bored and feeling sorry for themselves instead of turning a situation in the most positive way you can think of
- I saw them panicking over not being able to: see other people, get enough toilet paper, go to work and schools (which they mostly always hated before), go to the gym, go jogging, eat out in restaurants, go on vacations, go on many trips, going to I don’t know where to take absurd useless selfies to become famous on internet, go to the mall, go to garden centers, amusement parks, hardware and home improvement stores, go to the pub to fill their bellies with tons of beer (to eventually get a huge yeast explosion in your guts; which makes you susceptible to viruses), refusing to appreciate the tons of hectare mansion space in and outside which they earned by sucking money out of people by being famous
I wonder what people learned of the past year. Since I saw people running again rushing off to other touristic places and hopping on planes again as if their life depend on it
Did they think about life. About the often useless habits and stuff they’re all caught up in, do they have gained silence in their head to think their own behavior torch people and life through.
They missed every luxury details of this society. But the things they (for the most part) skipped was just, go inside your garden, watch out of a window or look at an internet YouTube video to notice beautiful flowers, insects, scenes of landscapes other universal creations. Everyone forgot that. The little things should become important when you all of a sudden are locked up from society. If you are not able to do that; I think that is so sad for you and your life. For you it is to be hoped you never get sick then, because you then are going to face a hell of a hell.
Good luck with that.