Are You Bored?
I am not.
Notice how my (©️celesta) artistic background suddenly lightens up the whole image 🙂
Maybe there’s some light at the end of the isolitary tunnel for you instead of bzzzrammagftufts afterall
Confusing times
The world is in the middle of confusing times right now. Deciding whether you’re going to go on silverfish hunt in your house or to make it a terrorize-your-husband-who-is-trying-to-make-important-phonecalls-and-is-so-not-pleased-with-you-shoving-a-toothpick-against-his-ass-during-the-calls-kind of day.
Most of the people often dream of being retired, having vacation, days off, untangling their hair from cotton candy and just doing nothing and sit on their couch. As long as school or work don’t get in the way of their egoplosive life. Does that word exist? Ok: now it does.
Well bored ‘why-did-I-want-kids’ and ‘why-did-I-want-kids people’, in some way, those wishes are now coming true as in the last months. And now most of you are suddenly bored and complaining.
The whole world is at home (well almost all, of course we are very grateful for those who risk their lives, helping the elderly and the sick for example).
Recently your days exist of waking up, counting your gray hairs, meeting yourself for the first time with or without mirror, making breakfast, checking up on all of your so called (digital) friends, constructing fairy houses in your garden, traveling from one room to the other and back, and back again, and back again but then walking on your hands with a spoon in your mouth with an egg on top, checking if there are already living any fairies in your DIY fairy hous, watching a combi of tv-youtube-netflix movies.
My brain never takes a rest
There, where people are insanely bored, not knowing if they should just play with their toes or just eat them (with a bit of curry on them that is) or just count all ants with little face masks on in the backyard; I really don’t know how to fit all I want to do in one single day. I wanna do everything, preferably simultaneously (yes daughter has that from me, now you know): the list is even to long to mention all here and we don’t want tour brain to make over hours now that they are in the ‘bored-mode’.
I’ve had that all my life in which my brain is producing this continuous fizzy mucky soup. My brain never takes a rest and that’s fine by me; I’m living by that. I so totally do not even know how on earth to squeeze all my works into 24 hours. I tried to clone myself, so I can work together with myself, but that isn’t exactly as easy as it sounds .
Laughing my head of (yes I am that sarcastic)
Now you understand why I’m laughing my head of seeing all those bored people in this ugly corona times going crazy when they suddenly realize why they have 6 large houses build on their 50.000 hectare compound totally not knowing what to do with it, feeling totally lonely, useless, ugly and useless (again) even though they are rich and famous and beautiful. That doesn’t even seem to make them happy.
Also laughing and notice ‘normal’ bored people (not famous, not rich): because of a few creative brain cells they seem to miss (which you totally can grow yourself, even without Pokon) chewing on the 10th pizza, getting tired of TikTok insanity (or they realize they are too old for that) and considering taking a snail as pet. Or canary.
Even in my worst (sick) days (I have been sick for 27yrs) my mind never stood still and was my body fighting against my chronic active mind. Which wasn’t easy at all when you have to interview celebrities, selling coffee to embassies or MTV, run a coffee tasting shop, creating websites, writing books (and much more) and at the same time raise a daughter (who sniffs coffee beans)
I didn’t even consider thinking of myself as being sick ever. I just wanted to do my things no matter what and no matter how.
I truly find it so sad for those people who aren’t able to do that for themselves and take the easy road of being just bored and complain. I feel sorry for them but my life goes on.
Brain cells or none: please do grow them you know: you will be better of knitting a ten-meter-long mouth protection thingy mouth face mask something and wrap it around your mouth, film that, so we all can take a laugh and the very bored don’t feel bored anymore. Or start educate yourself in something and discover the talent you never knew you had. Everything’s better than extinct your brain: if you stay bored the whole soup is shrinking you know and we all know what that means: you might get visits from weird looking bzzzrammagftufts and I promise you: you don’t want that.
So if you really are out of your mind right now: maybe you could take a look at one of my (many) Instagram accounts and admire all those people who rarely are bored themselves. Maybe if you take a close look you even might get inspired in one way or the other yourself. Good Luck with that!
If I become really rude in the near future I even might disturb you with my own artjournal creations. Which is also one of the things I am doing since as long as I can remember.
Tarot Tip
‘What can I do to fill up the time I am isolated in my home?’
Don’t ask why you are bored because then the cards probably will answer with “because there is a lockdown”; that’s how direct tarot cards often are.
Let me know what the tarot answered if you have cards that is. Otherwise, you have to make a little more effort to figure it out yourself.
Note: ‘bzzzrammagftufts’ don’t exist. I made that up.
Connect with me:
Instagram/Twitter: celesta66
© – 2020