An octopus came out of my belly
Dutch Translation Never in a million years I would have thought, I would be giving birth to an actual Octopus. You know; the one with a ton of arms and legs: or are they...
Dutch Translation Never in a million years I would have thought, I would be giving birth to an actual Octopus. You know; the one with a ton of arms and legs: or are they...
English Translation In geen miljoen jaar had ik ooit gedacht dat ik een octopus op de wereld zou zetten. Je weet wel; zo’n ding met tachtig armen en benen, of zijn het alleen armen,...
Dutch Translation These pencils, yes, 50 years old or more; have outlasted the great glitter shortage, flip phones, the rise and fall of tamagotchi empires, my questionable attempt at macramé wall art.and my patience...
English Translation Deze potloden, zijn 50 jaar oud (of zelfs ouder); hebben de grote glittertekorten, fliptelefoons, de opkomst en ondergang van de tamagotchi-empires, mijn twijfelachtige poging tot macramé-wandkunst en mijn geduld voor moderne potloden...
Englisch translation Mensjes van het internet, maak je klaar want het meest epische, chaotische en hot-mess koppel van het universum is TERUG na een miljard jaar van radiostilte. Ja, je leest het goed. We...
Dutch translation People of the Internet, brace yourselves because the universe’s most epically chaotic, hot-mess couple is BACK from what can only be described as a billion years of radio silence. Yep, you read...
Dutch translation Okay, people. Let’s talk about my latest foray into floral folly. My husband snagged this GORGEOUS dahlia at the market last week. We’re talking a showstopper, blooms the size of my head...
Engelse vertaling Oké mensen, laten we het ff hebben over mijn nieuwste bloementafereel. Mijn man scoorde vorige week deze PRACHTIGE dahlia op de markt. We hebben ‘t over een spektakelstuk, met bloemen zo groot...
English translation Mungbonen, ‘wat in hemelsnaam zijn Mungbonen’; was de allereerste reactie die ik had toen ik half dood in mijn bed lag in de zomer van 2013. Dat jaar zou mijn persoonlijke geschiedenisboek...
Dutch translation Mung beans, ‘what the Bleep are Mung beans’; was the very first ever reaction I had when I sat half dead in my bed in the summer of 2013. That particular year...
When your ultra smart husband thinks he’s Superman and can walk down an insane long staircase with 3600 bags of empty bottles, sacks of old paper, waste boxes, an old barrel organ, a stack...
English version Wanneer je ultraslimme echtgenoot denkt dat ie superman is en een megalange trap af kan af lopen met 3600 tassen met lege flessen, zakken met oud papier, afvaldozen, een oud draaiorgel, een...
I feel like I owe you an apology for being such a chaotic babble aunty. Not that I owe you one; it’s more that I owe myself one. Its me not you. When I...
What’s Behind the Celesta-Menu Shift Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn’t: but my Celesta-menu has changed a tiny bit. It’s not that shocking; but if you know what’s behind it; it maybe well could...
F1 When you suddenly discover you were a vegetable all along It’s not that I really always wanted to be one. But you know; you can change your mind on things. Sometimes. Sometimes. I’m...
Cat’s Ultimate Fly Swatting Skills Cats are the ultimate live fly swatting masters did you know? If you have three cats; there is noo way that you (if you were a fly) are going...
When you’re not exactly sure what in the bleep for DNA you passed on to your daughter while I’m still trying to figure out if I accidentally downloaded the “Clumsy Gene” app instead of...
And then came the moment of the freedom head barbecue you never thought would came; but apparently it did on Liberation Day May 5, during the national freedom feast of the Netherlands. Allthough I...
Time for a little daughter-info. If your brain can’t handle complicated and bizar I-have-no-word-for-this; then read some of my idiot blogs. If it’s alright with your soup-mess; then proceed to read the following on...
Do you ever fantasize how it would have been to be in the same classroom as your parents, kids or spouse?That is without the knowledge of being family. Just like in ‘Back to the...