
Category: Tarot

Year Tarot Prediction

  Now New in my webstore: Year Tarot Prediction 6cardsApart from the previous ‘Coming Year Tarot Reading (12cards)’ I now added this general future prediction for the year 2016. http://www.freewebstore.org/celestatarot

Friendliness & Creativity

   Good morning; these are my Zen-cards for today: Friendliness which jumped out and Creativity by drawing

Talent Reading

   Talent reading: You are very good in overlooking situations and finding a practical solution for it. Being objective is one of the key words here and he always has very much expertise related...


Geheim van miljonairs?

Al eeuwenlang laten veel miljonairs, succesvolle zakenmensen, regeringsleiders, vorsten, en hooggeplaatsten zich regelmatig raadplegen door middel van astrologie, de tarot of een paragnost. Het is gebleken dat tarot een betrouwbaar medium is om, naast...

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