Giant killing Frisbee flew around to destroy our window and snatch my head
This is how it looks like when your husband just saved your entire family from a flying projectile that flew towards your kitchen window (5 meter up high because our kitchen is on our first floor, yes I know that is strange.) and might have penetrated itself through the window where it could have snatched off my very head (because I was standing just in front of the glass when it happened) which could have meant the entire closing of my blog at that point.
So I take this picture to prove to you guys we also in The Netherlands have real tornado like experiences. With real people and cyclists dragged along the streets for miles and miles. Entire roofs blown away from houses and schools and Dixie toilets whizzing down the streets.
Uprooted trees and flying false teeth, toupees, inflatable bread bins (do they even exist? Well now they do, my pleasure: you can send the profit provision to Celesta, Youknowwhere 84, Loserland), selfie sticks, hearing aids and tampons all around the place. But that didn’t quite fit in my photograph so just Google for that if you’re interested.
And what happens?! Instead of acting very serious, pathetic and dramatic to show the severity of the situation, because you know it doesn’t appear every day that there is this giant killing frisbee flowing around to destroy your window and your brain.
My husband is smiling as if he just won this Wimbledon trophy after we just experienced this frightening situation that almost killed me with an accelerated street lighting object going with the speed of 100 miles per hour!
Apparently men seem to find it very funny to pose with killer material tools.
One tip for similar situations: don’t ask the spouse dudes why they are smiling because there won’t be coming out a sensible answer to that.
Update1: Nope: inflatable bread bins don’t exist as far as my 2 second search went, but I did found some other interesting stuff though; like a flattering inflatable flamingo ya’ll.
Update2: Only Wimbledon female champions win a plate trophy thing: hahahahahahahaha wimpy!!
Update3: They fixed the street lights at the end of the day
Read also:
When your husband is a clumsy thief
This can happen when you rely on your husband too much
For more rubbish you can take the risk here:
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