Night dilemma’s
02:07 uhh woww this is some kind of exotic country <while bathing in my sweat>
Oh: it’s one of my hormone disturbance attacks
02:10 petting the kitty
Vision from under blankets:
02:17 shall I snapchat? Or Tweet? Facebook… Instagram….
02:20 I could work now..
02:22 hey, where did my mirror go? I wrapped grandma’s old mirror in bubble plastic (over from precious cat toys gifts) to put in the attic so I can preserve it for later ages to look in
Where did Jack put it?
Argghh: I have to ask
I have to know
But i cant ask
He is asleep
I have to poke him
He usually sputters some incoherent tweedle rubbish
He probably answers something like: “yes in the refrigerator”
02:30 itchy eyes
<sanding heavy handed with fingers in eyes>
Nooo i cant rubb
Then i end up looking like a Matamata Matamata who has Xylella fastidiosa
02:33 petting cat again
02:37 hungry
02:40 does loose-skin-underarm-fitness in bed by throwing arms up in the air and down not knowing if that does the trick, but feels like big achievements
02:42 scrolls up and down notebook pondering what else to write
Well this night again turned out pretty nice <sarcastic>: looking like shitty crap again tomorrow. With extra wrinkles included.
Advantage of this is that you get them for free
02:45 cough
Trying to wake up huspup in the most subtle natural way
03:18 going back to sleep now
I think
I think
I think
I think
I think
Petting the kitty again before I go back to sleep
I think
Petting the kitty’s behind.
Last time I petted her; this was her head?!
Laughing in middle of the night
Haha; oh well; can happen
Still hungry
Going back to sleep now
Hungry and all
Well at least I had a bit of fun
With the cat’s behind, that is
Which I petted and thought it was her head
Nighty night
Or is it morning already
Nooe: 03:24
Where did i put my lip balsam?
I had it in my trousers and it has to be on my night cabinet
Crawling over husband’s face to reach night cabinet
Grabbing blindly
Oh there it is
Now back to sleep
Petting Isa one more time. Again her behind; again she turned around
Does she do this on purpose??!!
Sleep well
Somebody is screaming real loud outside
It is scaring the hell out of me
05:05 still awake, but maybe sleep is kicking in now
05:06 writing in my sleep: I’m asleep…..I think
06:10 very loud cat snoring and abrupt disturbed my only 60 minutes old night sleep + wide awake again
06:11 back to sleep
06:30 startled by the iphone wake up call
Yes 06:30 I always wake up at that time
Even on Saturdays
But usually I don’t need an alarm because I have my own build in alarm system; but this morning it didn’t work that well
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