I think she suspects something
You want to have a great tip how not to get discovered by your humans when you’re blogging?
You want to have a great tip how not to get discovered by your humans when you’re blogging?
E-coli hysteria in town Since four days I live in a city (80.000) where people overnight in front of supermarkets, accelerate their shopping trolleys to knock over their fellow citizen and aim for the...
Funny, vibrant, yet down to earth and widely loved; an occurrence most of us would like to have. A stardom status which often seem far away and often stays like that haha (evil laugh). Well that is for me ofcourse to reassure you.
But what are the necessary qualities to become a star in life?
Imagine you have some psychic abilities. But in fact: you DON’T want to have them. How do you deal with that?
We all are blessed with that amazing precious olfactory organ which we sometimes are very eager to use. Sometimes though the smell function can cause a major problem.
“all day they are pointing this mobile thing at me which you seem to call ‘Eyephone’. I hardly can look up or there is that thing again staring at my face.”
“…. I sat there in total unbelief and was telling myself that it was just coincidence.”
“….I told myself immediately that this would be the only occassion this psychic try happened. I instantly created some sort of psychic anxiety for myself and the rest of the following workshops. I just went there for the sociability and fun and from then on blocked any psychic abilities on purpose.”
When I was 8 years old (1974) my mom introduced me to the world of psychic amazingness and wonders. She had gotten a psychic book from a friend and I spend many hours reading...
What action neeeds to be taken right now? Message of this reading is first of all to leave the past the past once and for all. Then keep in mind that you can overcome...
SECRETS TO GET INSPIRATION Did you ever got stuck with finding inspiration? It’s probably one of the most common issues artists (and ofcourse other people too) have to cope with in their career. Rajacenna...
As you can see I am back blogging again and from now on in English. I haven’t been blogging about 3 years now and ofcourse that had it’s reasons; I am so...
Somebody once said to me “wow, you must have a cool life!”; referring to the privileges I had to meet international celebrities and all the many things that I’ve done in my life. But...
Possibily you have to give some advice or missing piece of information to somebody which is very much familiar to you. Maybe family. Take a little time to analyse the situation good. P6...
Advice reading (dec2015) in view of a to be continued learning program with for this person annoying people present.Think and protect yourself and don’t let them get you mentally. Don’t get tricked into fights...
2009 was the year the world became richer with a young (16y) artist prodigy. This wonder talent, as the media calls her, happened to be my daughter Rajacenna. At the age of sixteen out of...
General reading 6 cards. Bottom card = jump cardA little part of the reading: Before and after The Wheel card there are ‘water’-cards and these two influences the ‘fire’-card (The Wheel). Which means...
Testemonials which I got from my clients “Ahh! Celesta you are amazing! This reading has shed so much light. You have gone above and beyond to get me answers. You have been so patient...
Take good advantage of your chances and go ahead with your skills and tools to make your plans reality. It will always turn out fine.
This has been a clarifier for the Hanged Man in some other reading I did. These three cards resonated with the reading and because this trio is all water and fire I took...
Late post: What should I focus on in 2016? Laziness Ok so I draw the Laziness card. Such an ironic word in my life. I’ve never been lazy in my entire life and even...