Segway daycare child transport full of bored kids
Little children from the daycare center being entertained by bored looking actually SuperStars-wannabe girls tempting to push a segway daycare child transport full of also bored kids through town
Little children from the daycare center being entertained by bored looking actually SuperStars-wannabe girls tempting to push a segway daycare child transport full of also bored kids through town
Is everything alright James? Are you maybe slightly a bit sicky? Do I need to call you? What have I done to you? Is it my nose? Or maybe I’m too crazy? Or because I know Justin Bieber. I don’t know. How can we solve this?
After a weekend of high fever and also a sick husband and sick cat; the new week started on Monday, 5 o’clock in the morning at the sound of what looked like a huge...
I have been nice to people for a really long time (my whole life), unless you mess with me, then I’ll mess back; but now (I mean in the context of I’ve really woken...
So once in a while I feel very important on Twitter. I should be; I am there since the last 10 years. I am a total Twitter-veteran with the lowest Tweet volume ever. Anyway...
Whether you like it or not; sometimes unwanted interests are going to impose to you anyway until you accept them.
They ignored me and I wasn’t even looking arrogant!
One of the most pleasant things when you’re going on a trip, should be: arriving in an accomodation where your groceries shopping is already done for you. Especially if you have chronic fatigue syndrome.
I didn’t want have to do anything with this and made sure I stayed yards behind him yelling loud and pointing at him “he is stealing a bicycle!!!!
Coffee expert without coffee blog explains when not to blog and when you have to have a blog.
I am the type of person who has got this ‘fragile-sinus-construction-glued-to-her-face’ kind of girl (or meanwhile maybe it is middle aged woman) and gets sick whenever the cold air is in town or whenever...
Do you ever ask yourself, between taking selfies, what Life exactly is meant for? Do you dare to read further? Well if you don’t: be sure to stumble today and take the most viral picture ever while lying with you nose in a turd. Success.
I just wrote a 17min-read blog with 4584 words; should I split it up or not?
Funny, vibrant, yet down to earth and widely loved; an occurrence most of us would like to have. A stardom status which often seem far away and often stays like that haha (evil laugh). Well that is for me ofcourse to reassure you.
But what are the necessary qualities to become a star in life?
Imagine you have some psychic abilities. But in fact: you DON’T want to have them. How do you deal with that?
“all day they are pointing this mobile thing at me which you seem to call ‘Eyephone’. I hardly can look up or there is that thing again staring at my face.”