How to exclude your hidden psychic eye when you are in Tarot business
Imagine you are Tarot reader and psychic, but you have fear of knowing the whole story and beyond through unwanted psychic vision interaction at every human being you meet.
Imagine you are Tarot reader and psychic, but you have fear of knowing the whole story and beyond through unwanted psychic vision interaction at every human being you meet.
Whether you like it or not; sometimes unwanted interests are going to impose to you anyway until you accept them.
Imagine you have some psychic abilities. But in fact: you DON’T want to have them. How do you deal with that?
“…. I sat there in total unbelief and was telling myself that it was just coincidence.”
“….I told myself immediately that this would be the only occassion this psychic try happened. I instantly created some sort of psychic anxiety for myself and the rest of the following workshops. I just went there for the sociability and fun and from then on blocked any psychic abilities on purpose.”
When I was 8 years old (1974) my mom introduced me to the world of psychic amazingness and wonders. She had gotten a psychic book from a friend and I spend many hours reading...