An octopus came out of my belly
Dutch Translation Never in a million years I would have thought, I would be giving birth to an actual Octopus. You know; the one with a ton of arms and legs: or are they...
Dutch Translation Never in a million years I would have thought, I would be giving birth to an actual Octopus. You know; the one with a ton of arms and legs: or are they...
English Translation In geen miljoen jaar had ik ooit gedacht dat ik een octopus op de wereld zou zetten. Je weet wel; zo’n ding met tachtig armen en benen, of zijn het alleen armen,...
When you’re not exactly sure what in the bleep for DNA you passed on to your daughter while I’m still trying to figure out if I accidentally downloaded the “Clumsy Gene” app instead of...
Time for a little daughter-info. If your brain can’t handle complicated and bizar I-have-no-word-for-this; then read some of my idiot blogs. If it’s alright with your soup-mess; then proceed to read the following on...
Keep hands over your ears (or maybe over your eyes) to protect you from what I am about to say (write) now: I hate Star Wars. Yes really; I’m sorry. For you. Not for...
Out of nowhere and even without her own knowledge and approval, Rajacenna (my daughter) has multiplied herself on Facebook. Apparently suddenly there are walking 22 pieces of Rajacenna around the globe today and I’m...
SECRETS TO GET INSPIRATION Did you ever got stuck with finding inspiration? It’s probably one of the most common issues artists (and ofcourse other people too) have to cope with in their career. Rajacenna...
2009 was the year the world became richer with a young (16y) artist prodigy. This wonder talent, as the media calls her, happened to be my daughter Rajacenna. At the age of sixteen out of...
Vandaag is een bijzondere dag. Vandaag 24 januari achttien jaar geleden schonk ik het leven aan mijn allerliefste dochter. Het is nog maar kort geleden dat Rajacenna op een mooie verjaardagsstoel stond in de...
Zoals gezegd, kwam het als een verrassing dit jaar dat dochter een tekenwonder bleek te zijn. Haar snelgroeiende bekendheid dit jaar was met name te danken aan het filmpje van de tekening van Justin...