Sexy Bite Tip
There comes a time in everyone’s life that you are perfectly aware of how to present yourself to the outside world in the most effective possible way. Mostly when you are 50+ and almost...
There comes a time in everyone’s life that you are perfectly aware of how to present yourself to the outside world in the most effective possible way. Mostly when you are 50+ and almost...
You want to know why on earth you have to keep your keys in the back door of your house?
My 12yrs on Twitter in 3 words What is Twitter for you in 3 words? Can you describe your life on Twitter in 3 words for the time you have been a Tweepy Tweep?...
You want to have a great tip how not to get discovered by your humans when you’re blogging?
Funny, vibrant, yet down to earth and widely loved; an occurrence most of us would like to have. A stardom status which often seem far away and often stays like that haha (evil laugh). Well that is for me ofcourse to reassure you.
But what are the necessary qualities to become a star in life?
We all are blessed with that amazing precious olfactory organ which we sometimes are very eager to use. Sometimes though the smell function can cause a major problem.
SECRETS TO GET INSPIRATION Did you ever got stuck with finding inspiration? It’s probably one of the most common issues artists (and ofcourse other people too) have to cope with in their career. Rajacenna...