This video shows me lying
This TikTok video of mine is of course one big joke. At least for me personally, but I can assure you it is totally relevant to the majority of people on this earth f***. That is Dutch for ‘balls’ but then in a ruder way of saying: more like f or ***hole (which is different of course from a hole in one).
This video shows me lying (more like pretending I don’t know) to a very important question: ‘what did you learn about life?’
After 55 years of surviving this idiotic (doing nice here) life; I will be ruder in my new book though. Waiting list here. I came to the painful conclusion: people are not to be trusted. Ever. At all. Period. End of blog. Oh: and that things mostly aren’t what they seem to be. Period again. In all aspects. End of blog.
CelestaOfficial on TikTok: