What a f****** joke
So if I’m correct and I am: people who got C in the past two years and who are now still not recovered, complaining about fatigue and not being able anymore to do everything their body often doesn’t actually approve if you would ask it: are all of a sudden very interesting to the entire global media because they are so incredibly sad and we all should feel sorry for them (I can tell you here and now: they are mostly the ones who laughed at and/or ignored the veteran chronic sick human beings).
While other people who suffered from, for instance, (proven) multiple viruses and have been sick (often much worse than C aftermath patients) for sometimes more than 29 years always have been totally ignored and ridiculed to subsequently advice them all in mental institutions because they find (not proven) they are all (read: all) totally nuts as in nutty nut nuts.
Decades of ignorance, unawareness, lack of understanding blablablablabla and often being broke and spit out by society because you know…..they are useless, they suck, they lie, they complain, they are lazy, they they they they they they. And it still is that way even after this C era.
Hahahahahahahahah join me in my laughs: hahahahahaha hahaha haha LOL LOL LOL ROFLOL HAHAHA WHHHAAAHAAAAhaaaaa bhaaahaahahahaaas LOLOLOLOLOLOL haha
What a joke!
Oh wait it’s NOT a joke. It’s the f*cking hell truth (read: reality).
Shall I tell you another joke:
Are you ready?!
Maybe sit down now.
Now again they are being ignored and banned and excluded by the ones who only want to think about themselves and their party life. Why? Are you sure you are interested? Because a lot of them have medical, logical and principal reasons to NOT take a , but NOT want to get that so called ‘officially’ (who determines that anyway) examined (because we know better and don’t need proof) to get this discriminating commercialized sign with ugly scratches and lines to subsequently join effing life again.
Let me tell you something:
And besides that we (mostly) are well-educated and for decades (29y) researched ourselves for thousand and thousand of f hours and talked to thousands of experts in the field so we now know more then people are being told today by people with special interests (having to do with lotssss of money). So we know we are making the right choice because we know the truth.
Hahahahahahahahah again let’s laugh again people hahahahahaha hahaha haha LOL LOL LOL ROFLOL HAHAHA WHHHAAAHAAAAhaaaaa bhaaahaahahahaaas LOLOLOLOLOLOL haha
Isn’t that funny!!!!!
IT’S NOT !!!!!!!
Free tip: go educate yourself instead of listening what so called experts (who are all NOT independent neutral and objective) tell you. Chances are very high they are being paid for telling you things. You will not know the truth if you don’t do your research yourself.
Independent research means: checking information YOURSELF from ALL different sides, visions, opinions and sources possible.
I’ll tell you in advance: that’s a LOT of work (like 29y or so). But only then you will know more than they want you to believe at this moment in time. No joke.
Until then: you have no right speaking about these subjects. Building your opinions on what other people have told you: are not opinions. Those are fake opinions.
It’s like BLIND sheep in a herd who suddenly all start running after the nearest circus clown wearing a beautiful ecentric and chique coat (which you totally wouldn’t know because you are a completely blind; but because the coat is so beautiful you could actually see it) with all sausages made out of sheep meat dangling on it; instead of listening to their shepherd and his experienced dog who doesn’t use tricks, but only skills to guide them to their own knitting club again.
You only can have an opinion if you, for example, researched 29 fucking years straight on the matter and even better: experience ‘things’ first hand.
More rubbish:
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